quarta-feira, 22 de agosto de 2007

Candlebox - Far Behind

Bem se há cena que eu faço, e nem é com atenção, é por vezes falhar no apoio a quem devo, especialmente aos meus amigos, e à família.

Candlebox - Far Behind

Now maybe
I didn't mean to treat you bad
But I did it anyway
And now maybe
Some would say your life was sad
But you lived it anyway
And so maybe
Your friends they stand around they watch your crumble
As you falter to the ground
And then someday
Your friends they stand beside as you were flying
Oh you were flying oh so high

But them someday people look at you for what they call their own
They watch you suffer
Yeah they hear you calling home
But then some day we could take our time
To brush the leaves aside so you can reach us
But you left me far behind

Now maybe
I didn't mean to treat you oh so bad
But I did it anyway
Now maybe some would say you're left with what you had
But you couldn't share the pain

No, no, no
Couldn't share the pain, they watch you suffer

Now maybe I could have made my own mistakes
But I live with what I've known
And then maybe we might share in something great
But won't you look at where we've grown
Won't you look at where we've gone
But then someday comes tomorrow holds a sense of what I feel for you in my mind

As you trip the final line
And that cold day when you lost control
Shame you left my life so soon you should have told me
But you left me far behind
Now maybe I didn't mean to treat you oh so bad
But I did it anyway
Now maybe some would say you're left with what you had
But you couldn't share the pain
No, no, no

Oh no
Oh no no no no...
Now maybe I didn't mean to treat you oh so bad
But I did it anyway
Now maybe some would say you're left with what you had
But you couldn't share the pain
I said times have changed your friends
They come and watch you crumble to the ground
They watch you suffer
Yeah, they hold you down
Hold you down
Now maybe brother, maybe love
I didn't mean to treat you bad
But you left me far behind
Left me far behind
Left me far

Como o bacano tão bem diz, é muito importante ter com partilhar a dor, portanto se achares que precisas e eu devo estar lá, chama-me a atenção que por vezes sou demasiado despistado mas sem intenção, ou porque simplesmente não sei como o dizer também...

terça-feira, 21 de agosto de 2007

Mamonas Assassinas

Do que me foram relembrar hoje...

Grandes imensas mamonas :P

Aqui ficam umas quantas músicas deles:

Uma Arlinda Mulher

Te encontrei toda remelenta e estronchada
num bar entregue às bebida
Te cortei os cabelos do sovaco e as unhas do pé
te chamei de querida
Te ensinei todos os auto-reverse da vida
e o movimento de translação que faz a terra girar
Te falei que era importante competir
mas te mato de pancada se você não ganhar

Você foi agora a coisa mais importante
que já me aconteceu neste momento,
em toda a minha vida
Um paradoxo do pretérito imperfeito,
complexo com a teoria da relatividade
Num momento crucial um sábio soube saber
que o sabi sabia assobiar
E quem amafagar os mafagafinhos
bom amafagafinhador ser

Te falei que os pediatra o doutor
responsvel pela saúde dos pés
O zoista cuida dos zóio e os oculista
Deus me livre nunca vão mexer no meu
Pois pra mim você uma besta mitológica
com cabelo pixaim parecida com a Medusa
Eu disse isso pra rimar
com a soma dos quadrado dos catetos
igual porra da hipotenusa

Você foi agora a coisa mais importante
que já me aconteceu neste momento,
em toda a minha vida
Um paradoxo do pretérito imperfeito,
complexo com a teoria da relatividade
Num momento crucial um sábio soube saber
que o sabi sabia assobiar
E quem amafagar os mafagafinhos
bom amafagafinhador ser

Eu fundei a Associao Internacional
de Proteo s Borboletas do Afeganistão
Te provei por B mais C que a menina
dos teus zoio no tem menstruação
Dar um prato de trigo pra dois tigres e
ver os bichos brigando legal que só
Pois nos "tira e pe", deixa ficar da vida
sempre serei seu escravo-de-Jó

Logo agora que você estava quase entendendo
o que eu estou falando
a canção está acabando e o Creuzebek está
baixando alí o volume
e você no entende nada mesmo
por que quando você estiver em sua casa nesse momento
a música vai estar baixinha
e você no vai entender nada no vai saber
por que eu estou falando esse monte de besteira
já que tudo isso, porra, vamos parar com esse papo chato
eu já no estou aguentando mais
está doendo minha garganta
eu tenho que fazer alí gargarejo com vinagre
soltei um peido aquí dentro (caralho!)
está fedido o ambiente meus dedos estão dormentes
PelamordeDeus, parem com esta porra!


Eu queria um apartamento no guaruja
mas o melhor que eu consegui foi um barraco em itaqua
voce nao sabe como parte o coracao
ver seu filhinho chorando querendo ter um aviao
voce nao sabe como e frustrante
ver sua filhinha chorando por um colar de diamante
voce nao sabe como eu fico chateado
ver meu cachorro babando por um carro importado
Money, que e good nois num have (Heavy !)
se nois havasse nois num tava aqui playando
mas nois precisa de worka
money, que e good nois num have (heavy !)
se nois havasse nois num tava aqui workando
o nosso work e playa
Mas a pior de todas e minha mulher
tudo que ela olha a desgragada quer:
televisao, microondas, micro system,
microscopio, limpa-vidro, limpa-chifre,
facas ginsu
eu sou cagado veja so como e que e:
se da uma chuva de xuxa, no meu colo cai pele
e como aquele ditado que ja dizia:
pau que nasce torto mija fora da bacia
mas a pior de todas e minha mulher,
tudo o que ela olha a desgraga quer:
ambervision, frigi-diet,
celular, master-line,
camisinha, camisola e kamikaze
eu sou cagado veja so como e que e:
se da uma chuva de xuxa, no meu colo cai pele
e como aquele ditado que ja dizia:
pau que nasce torto mija fora da bacia

Lá Vem O Alemão

Só de pensar que nós dois éramos dois
eu o feijao voce o arroz
temperados com Sazón
só de lembrar nós na Kombi no Domingo
Nosso amor era tao lindo
nós desciamos pro Boqueirao
a Kombi quebrada la na praia
e voce de mini-saia
dando bola para um alemao
o alemao de carro conversivel
eu mexendo nos fuzivel
nem vi quando voce me deixou

Subiu a Serra me deixou no Boqueirao
arrombou meu coracao depois desapareceu
fiquei na merda nas areias do destino
me tratou como um suino
guspiu no prato que comeu

O amor é uma faca de dois legumes
a luz anal de um vagalume
que ilumina o meu sofrer
eu ainda sinto o seu perfume
um cheirinho de estrume
nao ta facil de te esquecer
toda vez que eu lembro de voce
me da vontade de bater, te espancar
ó meu amor
Só porque ele é lindo, loiro e forte
tem dinheiro e um Escort
como Modess voce me trocou

Subiu a Serra me deixou no Boqueirao
arrombou meu coracao depois desapareceu
fiquei na merda nas areias do destino
me tratou como um suino
cuspiu no prato que comeu

Débil Metal

Walking in the dark,
Now there´s just some cookies
It´s not for you,
I know it´s not yet.
I just can´t explain,
It melts in my mouth.
Dying to me now is popcorn.
Can´t you understand?
Can´t you understand, boy?
So, shake your head
So, shake your head, sucker!

No more ideas, it´s over!

Mundo Animal

comer tatu é bom
que pena que dá dor nas costas
porque o bicho é baixinho
e é por isso que eu prefiro as cabritas
As cabritas têm seios
que alimentam os seus descendentes

No mundo animal
existe muita putaria
Por exemplo, os cachorros
que comem a própria mãe
sua irmã e suas tias
eles ficam grudados
de quatro se amando
em plena luz do dia.

Os animal tem uns bicho interessante
imaginem só como é o sexo dos elefantes
e os camelos que têm as bolas em cima das costas
e as vaquinhas que por ande passam
deixam um rastro de bosta.

As pombas quando voam
por incrível que pareça
ficam sobrevoando
com seu cu amirando
em nossas cabeças
daí vem a rajada
de sua bazuca anal
já tem pomba com mira laser
o tiro sai sempre fatal
totalmente beautiful
as baleias no oceano
Nadando com graça, fugindo da caça dos homens humanos
o homem que é corno e cruel
mata as baleias
que não chifra é fiel

Os animal tem uns bicho interessante
imaginem só como é o sexo dos elefantes
e os camelos que têm as bolas em cima das costas
e as vaquinhas que por ande passam
deixam um rastro de bosta.

Os animal tem uns bicho interessante
imaginem só como é o sexo dos elefantes
e os camelos que têm as bolas em cima das costas
e as vaquinhas que por ande passam
deixam um rastro de bosta.

Toad The Wet Sprocket - Walk On The Ocean

Por acaso tenho bué saudades da praia, de estar com os amigos na praia, de dar umas surfadas (não não sei surfar, mas gosto de andar lá e dar uns malhos)
Simplesmente curtir, às vezes faz falta, uns dias a esquecer tudo e só diversão :)

Toad The Wet Sprocket
- Walk On The Ocean

We spotted the ocean at the head of the trail
Where are we going, so far away
And somebody told me that this is the place
Where everythings better, everythings safe
Walk on the ocean
Step on the stones
Flesh becomes water
Wood becomes bone
And half and hour later we packed up our things
We said wed send letters and all those little things
And they knew we were lying but they smiled just the same
It seemed they'd already forgotten we'd came
Walk on the ocean
Step on the stones
Flesh becomes water
Wood becomes bone
Walk on the ocean
Step on the stones
Flesh becomes water
Wood becomes bone

Now were back at the homestead
Where the air makes you choke
And people dont know you
And trust is a joke
We dont even have pictures
Just memories to hold
That grow sweeter each season
As we slowly grow old

Stone Temple Pilots - Creep

Não é que me sinta como um, mas por vezes à sempre qualquer coisa, que nos faz ser uma bequinha egoístas e pisar os outros...

Bem agora venha a música, confesso que nunca liguei muito à letra desta música, mas tem uma sonoridade no mínimo engraçada :)

Stone Temple Pilots - Creep

Forward yesterday
Makes me wanna stay
What they said was real
Makes me wanna steal
Livin' under house
Guess I'm livin', I'm a mouse
All's I gots is time
Got no meaning, just a rhyme

Take time with a wounded hand
'Cause it likes to heal
Take time with a wounded hand
'Cause I like to steal
Take time with a wounded hand
'Cause it likes to heal, I like to steal

I'm half the man I used to me
This I feel as the dawn
It fades to gray
Well, I'm half the man I used to be
This I feel as the dawn
It fades to gray
Well, I'm half the man I used to me
This I feel as the dawn
It fades to gray
Well, I'm half the man I used to be, half the man I used to be

Feelin' uninspired
Think I'll start a fire
Everybody run
Bobby's got a gun
Think you're kinda neat
Then she tells me I'm a creep
Friends don't mean a thing
Guess I'll leave it up to me

Take time with a wounded hand
'Cause it likes to heal
Take time with a wounded hand
Guess I like to steal
Take time with a wounded hand
'Cause it likes to heal, I like to steal

I'm half the man I used to me
This I feel as the dawn
It fades to gray
I'm half the man I used to be
This I feel as the dawn
It fades to gray
I'm half the man I used to be
This I feel as the dawn
It fades to gray
I'm half the man I used to be, half the man I used to be

Take time with a wounded hand
'Cause it likes to heal
Take time with a wounded hand
Guess I like to steal
Take time with a wounded hand
'Cause it likes to heal, I like to steal

I'm half the man I used to me
This I feel as the dawn
It fades to gray
I'm half the man I used to be
This I feel as the dawn
It fades to gray
I'm half the man I used to be
This I feel as the dawn
It fades to gray
I'm half the man I used to be, half the man I used to be,
Half the man I used to be

Pink - Leave Me Alone (I'm Lonely)

Acho que até consigo perceber bem o que ela diz...
É uma beca complicado conciliar o nosso espaço com o das outras pessoas, ou sou eu que complico as merdas?
Não é que eu queira estar sozinho, mas quero o meu espaço, do género, fonix deixem-me em paz, não tenho que te aturar 24/7

e outra coisa, sou o único que sinto aquela coisa, do não é meu mas também não é de mais ninguém?
a cena de saberes que não queres alguém para ti, mas também não estás pronto ainda para largar?

Não é fácil ser assim tão bom :P

Pink -
Leave Me Alone (I'm Lonely)

Go away
Give me a chance to miss you
Say goodbye
It'll make me want to kiss you
I love you so
Much more when you're not here
Watchin all the bad shows
Drinking all of my beer

I don't believe Adam and Eve
Spent every goddamn day together
If you give me some room there will be room enough for two

Leave me alone I'm lonely
Alone I'm lonely
I'm tired
Leave me alone I'm lonely
Alone I'm lonely tonight

I don't wanna wake up with another
But I don't wanna always wake up with you either
No you can't hop into my shower
All I ask for is one ***kin' hour
You taste so sweet
But I can't eat the same thing every day
Cuttin off the phone
Leave me the ***k alone
Tomorrow I'll be beggin' you to come home

Leave me alone I'm lonely
Alone I'm lonely
I'm tired
Leave me alone I'm lonely
Alone I'm lonely tonight

Go away
Come back
Go away
Come back
Why can't I just have it both ways
Go away
Come back
Go away
Come back
I wish you knew the difference
Go away
Come back

Go away
Give me a chance to miss you
Say goodbye
It'll make me want to kiss you
Go away
Give me a chance to miss you
Say goodbye
It'll make me want to kiss you
Go away
Give me a chance to miss you
Say goodbye
It'll make me want to kiss you

Leave me alone I'm lonely
Alone I'm lonely
I'm tired
Leave me alone I'm lonely
Alone I'm lonely tonight

Leave me alone I'm lonely
Alone I'm lonely
I'm tired
Leave me alone I'm lonely
Alone I'm lonely tonight

Go away
Give me a chance to miss you
Leave me alone I'm lonely
Alone I'm lonely
Say goodbye
It'll make me want to kiss you
I'm tired
Go away
Give me a chance to miss you
Leave me alone I'm lonely
Alone I'm lonely
Say goodbye
It'll make me want to kiss you
Go away
Give me a chance to miss you
Say goodbye
It'll make me want to kiss you

Mcfly - Sorry Is Not Good Enough

Acho que até têm razão, por vezes desculpa não chega...

principalmente quando é daquelas que vai ao ego, tem sempre coisas que ficam entaladas né?

Especial atenção ao videoclip, aquele final, lindo ;)

Mcfly - Sorry Is Not Good Enough

Good, good, good, good enough.
Good, good, good enough.
Good, good, good enough.
Good, good

I can't stop, I can't stop loving you.
You're a dreamer and dreaming's what you do,
I won't stop believing that this is the end, there must be another way.
Cos I couldn't handle the thought of you going away, woah yeah.

Sorry's not good enough, why are we breaking up?
Cos I didn't treat you rough so please don't go changing.
What was I thinking of?
You said you're out of love, baby don't call this off because sorry's not good enough.

Don't stop, all those things you do.
I'm a believer and that's what gets you through,
I can't fight this feeling that this is the end,
We're in the thick of it, where will this ever end? Woah, woah.

Sorry's not good enough, why are we breaking up?
Cos I didn't treat you rough so please don't go changing.
What was I thinking of?
You said you're out of love, baby don't call this off because sorry's not good enough.

Oh, you said you'd never leave me be there, to hold and please me.
Sorry's just not good enough for you,
Everybody makes mistakes and that's just what we do.

Don't go changing,
Don't go changing,
Don't go changing,
Don't go changing,
Don't go changing,
Don't go changing,
Don't go changing,
Don't go changing,
Don't go changing (sorry's not good enough),
Don't go changing (sorry's not good enough),
Don't go changing (sorry's not good enough),
Don't go changing (sorry's not good enough),
Don't go changing.

Sorry's not good enough, why are we breaking up?
Cos I didn't treat you rough so please don't go changing.
What was I thinking of?
You said you're out of love, baby don't call this off because sorry's not good enough.
Sorry's not good enough.
Sorry's not good enough

Manic Street Preachers - Your Love Alone Is Not Enough

Venha quem vier, há cenas que não dá para explicar mesmo.
Mas para que conste estou extremamente consciente que sim,:

I would have been more then enough...

digo mesmo mais...

Way to good for you... well maybe...

Manic Street Preachers - Your Love Alone Is Not Enough

Your love alone is not enough not enough not enough
When times get tough they get tough they get tough they get tough
Trade all your heroes in for ghosts in for ghosts in for ghosts
They're always the one's that love you most love you most love you most
Your love alone is not enough not enough not enough
It's what you felt it's what you said what you said what you said
You said the sky would fall on you fall on you fall on you
Through all the pain your eyes stayed Blue they stayed Blue Baby Blue
But your love alone won't save the world
You knew the secret of the universe
Despite it all you made it worse
It left you lonely it left you cursed
You stole the sun straight from my heart from my heart from heart
With no excuses just fell apart fell apart fell apart
No you won't make a mess of me mess of me mess of me
For you're as blind as a man can be man can be man can be
I could have seen for miles and miles
I could have made you feel alive
I could have placed us in exile
I could have shown you how too cry
Your love alone is not enough
Your love alone is not enough

Kenny Rogers - The Gambler


Easy Cowboy, Easy boy...

Kenny Rogers - The Gambler

On a warm summer's evenin' on a train bound for nowhere,
I met up with the gambler; we were both too tired to sleep.
So we took turns a starin' out the window at the darkness
'Til boredom overtook us, and he began to speak.

He said, "Son, I've made my life out of readin' people's faces,
And knowin' what their cards were by the way they held their eyes.
so if you don't mind my sayin', I can see you're out of aces.
For a taste of your whiskey I'll give you some advice."

So I handed him my bottle and he drank down my last swallow.
Then he bummed a cigarette and asked me for a light.
And the night got deathly quiet, and his face lost all expression.
Said, "If you're gonna play the game, boy, ya gotta learn to play it right.

You got to know when to hold 'em, know when to fold 'em,
Know when to walk away and know when to run.
You never count your money when you're sittin' at the table.
There'll be time enough for countin' when the dealin's done.

Ev'ry gambler knows that the secret to survivin'
Is knowin' what to throw away and knowing what to keep.
'Cause ev'ry hand's a winner and ev'ry hand's a loser,
And the best that you can hope for is to die in your sleep."

When he'd finished speakin', he turned back towards the window,
Crushed out his cigarette and faded off to sleep.
And somewhere in the darkness the gambler, he broke even.
But in his final words I found an ace that I could keep.

You got to know when to hold 'em, know when to fold 'em,
Know when to walk away and know when to run.
You never count your money when you're sittin' at the table.
There'll be time enough for countin' when the dealin's done.

You got to know when to hold 'em, know when to fold 'em,
Know when to walk away and know when to run.
You never count your money when you're sittin' at the table.
There'll be time enough for countin' when the dealin's done.

You got to know when to hold 'em, know when to fold 'em,
Know when to walk away and know when to run.
You never count your money when you're sittin' at the table.
There'll be time enough for countin' when the dealin's done.

Fall Out Boys - Thanks for the Memories

Hoje aproveito que tenho tempo, e vou percorrendo aqui a minha lista de músicas que quero partilhar com vocês, se bem que a maior parte delas são bem conhecidas, mas convém não perder nada.

Fall Out Boys - Thanks For The Memories

I'm gonna make you bend and break (it sent you to me without wings)
Say a prayer, but let the good times roll
In case God doesn't show (let the good times roll, let the good times roll)
And I want these words to make things right
But it's the wrongs that makes the words come to life
Who does he think he is (if that's the worst you got better put your fingers back to the keys)

One night and one more time
Thanks for the memories
Even though they weren't so great
He tastes like you only sweeter

One night yeah and one more time
Thanks for the memories
Thanks for the memories
See, He tastes like you only sweeter

Been looking forward to the future
But my eyesight is going bad
And this crystal ball
It's always cloudy except for (except for)
When you look into the past (look into the past)
One night stand
One night stands out!

One night, and one more time
Thanks for the memories
Even though they weren't so great
He tastes like you only sweeter

One night, yeah one more time
Thanks for the memories
Thanks for the memories
See, He tastes like you only sweeter

They say I only think in the form of
Crunching numbers in hotel rooms
Collecting page six lovers
Get me out of my mind
Gets you out of those clothes
I'm a line away from
Getting you into the mood (wa-ooooohhh)

One night, One more time
Thanks for the memories
Even though they werent so great
He tastes like you only sweeter

One night, Yeah One more time
Thanks for the memories
Thanks for the memories
See, He taste like you only sweeter

One more night and one more time
thanks for the memories
even though they werent so great
he tastes like you only sweeter

One night, One more time
Thanks for the memories
Thanks for the memories
See, he tastes like you only sweeter

Blue October - Hate Me

Como assim se contam tantas historias...

A vida nem sempre é fácil, mas também nem sempre é tão complicada como a fazê-mos, é pena por vezes aquelas pessoas que nos querem levar para baixo, e aquelas que mesmo sem querer não nos deixam seguir em frente, de tanto gostarem de nós, não nos deixam seguir em frente.

ps: posso-vos dizer o quanto eu odeio as férias? não as férias em si, mas o facto de toda a gente ir de férias ao mesmo tempo? fonix que isto de ficar sozinho em casa não tem tanta piada quanto isso, devia ter cumprido o meu plano de quando era puto, chegava ao verão e despedia-me :P

Blue October - Hate Me

I have to block out thoughts of you, so I don't lose my head
They crawl in like a cockroach leaving babies in my bed
Dropping little reels of tape to remind me that I'm alone
Playing movies in my head that make a porno feel like home
There's a burning in my pride, a nervous bleeding in my brain
An ounce of peace is all I want for you, Will you never call again?
And will you never say that you loved me just to put it in my face
And will you never try to reach me, it is I that wanted space

Hate me today.
Hate me tomorrow.
Hate me for all the things i didn't do for you.
Hate me in ways, yeah ways hard to swallow.
Hate me so you can finally see what's good for you.

I'm sober now for 3 whole months, it's one accomplishment that you helped me with.
The one thing that always tore us apart is the one thing I won't touch again.
In a sick way I want to thank you for holding my head up late at night
While I was busy waging wars on myself, you were trying to stop the fight
You never doubted my warped opinions on things like suicidal hate.
You made me compliment myself when it was way too hard to take
So I'll drive so fucking far away that I'll never cross your mind
And do whatever it takes in your heart to leave me behind

Hate me today.
Hate me tomorrow.
Hate me for all the things i didn't do for you.
Hate me in ways, yeah ways hard to swallow.
Hate me so you can finally see what's good for you.

And with a sad heart I say bye to you and wave
Kicking shadows on the street for every mistake that I have made
And like a baby boy I never was a man
Until I saw your blue eyes cry and I held your face in my hand
And then I fell down yelling "Make it go away!"
Just make her smile come back and shine just like it used to be
And then she whispered "How can you do this to me?"

Hate me today.
Hate me tomorrow.
Hate me for all the things i didn't do for you.
Hate me in ways, yeah ways hard to swallow.
Hate me so you can finally see what's good for you.

Audioslave - Like a Stone

Audioslave - Like a Stone

On a cobweb afternoon
In a room full of emptiness
By a freeway I confess
I was lost in the pages
Of a book full of death
Reading how we'll die alone
And if we're good we'll lay to rest
Anywhere we want to go

In your house I long to be
Room by room patiently
I'll wait for you there
Like a stone
I'll wait for you there

And on my deathbed I will pray
To the gods and the angels
Like a pagan to anyone
Who will take me to heaven
To a place I recall
I was there so long ago
The sky was bruised
The wine was bled
And there you led me on

In your house I long to be
Room by room patiently
I'll wait for you there
Like a stone
I'll wait for you there
Alone, alone

And on I read
Until the day was gone
And I sat in regret
Of all the things that I've done
For all that I've blessed
And all that I've wronged
In dreams until my death
I will wander on

In your house I long to be
Room by room patiently
I'll wait for you there
Like a stone
I'll wait for you there
Alone, alone

My Chemical Romance - Teeneagers

Já faz uns tempinhos que os meus tempos de teen acabaram, mas continuo a sentir-me um jovem e a tentar convencer-me que não sou mais um desses brainless retardados que andam por aí...

My Chemical Romance - Teeneagers

they're gonna clean up your looks
with all the lies in the books
to make a citizen out of you
because they sleep with a gun
and keep an eye on you, son
so they can watch all the things you do

because the drugs never work
they gonna give you a smirk
'cause they got methods
in keepin' you clean
they gonna rip up yo heads
your aspirations to shreds
another cog in the murder machine

they said all teenagers scare the living shit out of me
they could care less as long as someone'll bleed
so darken your clothes
or strike a violent pose
maybe they'll leave you alone
but not me!

the boys and girls in the clique
the awful names that they stick
you're never gonna fit in much, kid
but if you're troubled and hurt
what you got under your shirt
will make them pay for the things that they did

they said all teenagers scare the living shit out of me
they could care less as long as someone'll bleed
so darken your clothes
or strike a violent pose
maybe they'll leave you alone
but not me!

woahohhh yeah,!

they say all teenagers scare the living shit out of me
they could care less as long as someone'll bleed
so darken your clothes
or strike a violent pose
maybe they'll leave you alone
but not me!

all together now, teenagers scare the living shit out of me
they could care less as long as someone'll bleed
so darken your clothes
or strike a violent pose
maybe they'll leave you alone
but not me!

teenagers scare the living shit out of me
they could care less as long as someone'll bleed
so darken your clothes
or strike a violent pose
maybe they'll leave you alone
but not me!

Não diria para usarem o que está por debaixo duma t-shirt mas pensar por eles não lhes fazia mal nenhum, ou pelo menos tentarem.

ps: tenho quase a certeza que já ouvi aquela música, aquele ritmo em qualquer lado, mas não faço a menor ideia onde.